“Wheeling Free” (WF) and “Freedom Bound” (FB) Radio Programs
These radio programs aired from 1980-1992 and were a veritable Melange of topics of interest to the disabilities community!
This is a link to the WheelingFree-MASTER Program Lists (PDF)
2SER FM Disability Issues 1980-1992:
FB_07-SEP-1980: Interview (Joe Reeve): Wayne Best, Co Coordinator, Consumer Information for Disabled Resource Centre; News: Pat Lanigan, Director General, Social Security declined interview until after election; Interview (David Brice, David Marney, Joe Reeve): Justice Michael Kirby, Chairman Aust. Law Reform Commission; Consumer News, Ian Young; ‘Read’ magazine;
WF_14-SEP-1980: Interview (David Brice): Diane Turdick, Disabled acrobat / activist; Interview (David Brice): Selwyn Goldsmith, Architect, Housing Development Directorate, Dept. Environment, London. Advisor on housing for disabled; News, “Wheelies on the Street”: Christmas shopping;
WF_21-DEC-1980A: Interview: Pat ? Quimboas, EO of Union of Handicapped People; Anti discrimination legislation postponed. Panel discussion;
WF_21-DEC-1980B: (cont) Interview: Pat ? Quimboas, EO of Union of Handicapped People; Anti discrimination legislation postponed. Panel discussion;
WF_14-NOV-1982: Opening of ACROD Conference, Canberra 12/13-Nov-82 by Sen. Fred Chaney; Reports from ACROD: Workforce, “Income and Rights” – Edith Hall; Workshop, “The Role of Disabled people as Advocates” – Prof. Laurie McCredie; News: Sydney awareness week for disabled persons; Change of program time; Information re introduction of Home Care program into NSW by Sen. Fred Chaney;
WF_15-OCT-1983: Report (Greg Johnson): Update on Awareness Week happenings organised by Sydney City Council; Interview (Joan Hume): Erina Spinadel, Randwick Disabled Persons Action Committee. Concert as part of Awareness Week activities; Interview (John Moxon): Judy Finleson, Network, re Awareness Week display, Sydney Lower Town Hall;
Interview (Terry Fletcher): Jim Armstrong, Rehab Counsellor. “Getting a Job”; Interview (Greg Johnson): Brett Wilson, accident victim about the Rehab system; Terry Fletcher: ‘strong remarks’ about beauty contests;
WF_12-NOV_1983: Interview (Terry Fletcher): Lydia Fagan, Psychologist and consultant in Sex Counselling discussing relationships, sexuality and disability; Interview (Joan Hume): Norma & Dennis Sheedie, newly married intellectually disadvantaged couple (audio quality is poor); Report (Greg Johnson): Awareness Week activities;
Report (Joan Hume): Awareness Week activities at Cleveland Street High;
WF_19-NOV-1983: Interview (Bronwyn Moy): Neil Sleep, Executive Officer, and Fiona Strawn, Resource Centre Information Co-Coordinator from DPI NSW; Interview (Bronwyn Moy): Fiona Strawn re Taxation Seminar held by DPI NSW;
FB_24-MAY-1989: Interview (Pam Hardyman): Carmel Hayman, mouth painter enrolled in TAFE Art course. Also talks about using modified sewing machine; Interview (Murray): Joe Gray, CP working at Society for Crippled Children, and co-ordinator of CADRE (Community Awareness Disability Recreation and Education); Article SMH: Sexual abuse of young disabled people;
FB_07-MAR-1990: Phone interview (Pam Hardyman & Dave King): Warwick Brown, Uni student studying Communications at UTS discussing access; Phone Interview (Dave King): Joe Harrison, early days of Wheeling Free; Panel discussion: Growing up with a disability;
FB_14-MAR-1990: Article, Quadrangle: ‘Women with a Disability’; Information: “Wonginna” disabled musicians travelling to Japan to perform, Information on accessible Theatres;
FB_11-APR-1990: Article SMH (Lyndon Barber): Films portraying disabled heroes – “Fourth of July”, “My Left Foot”; Skit: “Norm Mal Persion – Maintenance Man, no disability”; Short story: “Harrison Bergeron” Part 1 by Kurt Vonnegut; Spasm Settlers;
FB_25-APR-1990: Article: Pay roll robbery; Interview (Dave): Paul Bolt, TAXI driver taking handicapped persons on trips around Australia; Skit: “Injector chair”; Skit: Letter from listener, Carol; Skit: “Lifestyles of the disabled and destitute”;
FB_02-MAY-1990: Spinal Awareness Week theme; Interview (Tony Jones): New patient Jodie ? at RNSH Spinal Unit; Ad – Spinal Awareness Week; Interview (Tony Jones): Al ?, member of RNSH Spinal Unit Awareness Prevention Program; Ad – Spinal Awareness Week; Interview (Tony Jones): Kate ?, Nurse RNSH Spinal Unit;
FB_09-MAY-1990: Interview (Tony Jones): Anthony Hayes CEO AQA about the organisation; Interview (Dave King): Gerry Houston, disabled basketball player; Skit: “Testosterone Euro domes”; Sound Scape (Dave King): Workshop – Developmentally Delayed Adults, Marrickville.
FB_22-AUG-1990: Interview (Warwick ?): Marie Flood, Special Needs Co-ordinator UTS; Interview (Dave King): International Dramatic Arts Studio – Disabled Actors; Report (Dave King): Trip to Japan with disabled musicians to perform at music festivals;
FB_03-OCT-1990: Radio Play: “Sam Marlow – The Case of the missing Scotch” Part 1. Performed by members of International Dramatic Arts Studio (actors with various disabilities); Skit: “Hollywood Dave Smart”; News: “Wonginna” (musicians with disabilities) performing at Access Arts conference, Brisbane; News: SCG Access issues. Meeting with Cricket Trust re better seating arrangements for disabled and carers;
FB_17-OCT-1990: Report (Colin Right): Toast Masters information; Report (Peter Beckett): RAPS (Recreation and Peer Support Group);
FB_07-NOV-1990: Report (Dave King): Access Arts Conference Qld. – Art Ability Conference; Skit: William van Wheel; Skit: Megalax – Always gets results; Report: (Tony Jones): Access at the SCG;
FB_21-NOV-1990: Interview (Alan Bimson): Louse Sutcliffe, Consumer UNit Group, Spastic Centre; Interview JCG2
FB_19-DEC-1990: Christmas edition. Skit: Norm Mal Persion – No disability!” Christmas topics / nonsense; Report: Hyper scan system; Skit: Lifestyles of the disabled and destitute – Abby Normal; Skit: Disabled World ‘on air’ workshop – Didgeridoo for the disabled;
FB_XX-XXX-1990A: Announcement: Tenth anniversary of Freedom Bound on 7th March (no year); Phone interview (Pam Hardyman): David King, new Deputy Co- Coordinator “Freedom Bound”. Announcement of formation of north side / south side Freedom Bound teams;
Discussion: Driving resources for the disabled;
FB_XX-XXX-1990B: (cont) Announcement: Tenth anniversary of Freedom Bound on 7th March (no year); Phone interview (Pam Hardyman): David King, new Deputy Co- Coordinator “Freedom Bound”. Announcement of formation of north side / south side Freedom Bound teams;
Discussion: Driving resources for the disabled;
FB_31-MAY-1991: Interview: Sharon Robinson, Clinical Psychologist discussing sexual abuse of disabled persons; Phone interview (Pam Hardyman) Howard update; Interview (Pam Hardyman): Sue Hadley, NADOW (office training program); Interview (John) Alan ?, Recreation Organisation for Disable;
WF_Humour Compile: Spinal Awareness Week; William van Wheels 1; William van Wheels 2; Testosterone Eurodomes; Word Kung Fu; Normal Persion; New Ideas for the Disabled; Ejector chair; Merry Christmas baby Jesus; Lifestyles of Disabled and Destitute; Didgeridoo for Disabled; MegaLax; Sam Marlow, missing Scotch; Hollywood Dave Smart; Letter from listener; Hello Programmer 1; Hello Programmer 2;